Attitude Is Everything by Jeff Keller

Attitude Is Everything Book

Jeff Keller was a lawyer, but even after years of practicing law, he felt something was missing. Despite his career, he wasn’t truly happy. Along the way, he started giving motivational seminars, and in 1992, he decided to pursue his passion full-time as a motivational speaker.

Attitude Is Everything is a reflection of his journey. In the book, Jeff shares a wealth of wisdom that can make a real difference in your life and help make things easier.

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Life’s Last Edit by Rahul Makwana

Think of it as a self-help bible—not just a collection of lessons, but a guide to transforming your life.

Attitude Is Everything Notes

  • Fear is something that can hold you back and hurt your life, but the good news is, you can stop it if you want to. You have the power to overcome any fear.
  • Every day, your mind will be filled with thousands of thoughts, but you don’t need to take them all seriously. Focus on what’s truly important.
  • You don’t need to watch every movie, binge-watch TV shows, or scroll through social media just to kill time. Why? Because those things become part of you, and you want to make sure you’re choosing wisely.
  • Overthinking can really mess with your mind. So, take care of yourself—physically and mentally—so you’re strong enough to handle it.
  • Failure doesn’t mean it’s over. It just means it’s time to try again. Get up, keep going, and remember—you can do it!

Attitude Is Everything Summary

“Attitude Is Everything” might sound like it’s about becoming a “sigma male,” but that’s not what the book is really about. It’s about making changes in your life that lead to a better life. The book focuses on how your attitude, beliefs, and actions shape your reality, and how taking control of your thoughts and behavior can create positive outcomes in your life.

This is another self-help book that shows how belief and taking action can transform your life and make you a better person. It’s a short read, making it perfect for beginners.

The book is split into three parts:

  • Success Begins in the Mind: Your thoughts shape your future. What you think about and focus on will influence the life you create.
  • Watch Your Words: Positive thinking impacts your behavior and your relationships. Choose your words carefully because they can change how you interact with others.
  • Heaven Helps Those Who Act: If you have a goal or an idea, don’t give up on it, no matter how many times you fail. Keep trying, and eventually, success will come.

Biggest Problem with You

Let’s say you want to start a new business, and you have enough money to invest. The problem you’re facing isn’t the idea or the money, but your thoughts.

  • What if my business fails?
  • What will I say to my father?
  • I’ll lose all my money.
  • What if I can’t find a good job after this?

Fear takes over, and you end up doing nothing. As a result, you drop the idea of starting a business and stick with your job.

Then, six months later, you hear that your friend started a new business. The kicker? He started the same business idea you had. You never told him about it, yet somehow, he came up with it on his own.

Now, you’re regretting that you let fear and negative thoughts hold you back. You didn’t fight those thoughts, and now you’re facing the consequences.

This is exactly what Jeff talks about in Attitude Is Everything: Don’t let your thoughts control you. Some thoughts are helpful, but many are just there to warn you about possible outcomes. It’s your brain’s defense mechanism at work.

You need to take control of your thoughts. You’ll have thousands of thoughts every day, but that doesn’t mean you need to react to every single one.

You meet people, watch movies, TV shows, and consume all sorts of information. Your mind stores it all, but that doesn’t mean you need to react to everything you take in.

So, be mindful of your thoughts and words. They affect your decisions, how you view others, and how you communicate with them.

Just keep a positive attitude and take control of your mind.

Power Of Your Words

When was the last time you really thought about the words you use every day? How careful are you in picking them?

Now, you might be thinking, “Rahul, why all this fuss about words? What’s the big deal?”

The answer is simple:

Your words have a lot of power. They can either build your future, destroy opportunities, or keep everything the same. Your words reflect your beliefs, and those beliefs shape your reality.

Think of it like this:


As the author says, you are your thoughts.

For example, if you’re constantly thinking about sx every second, every minute, and every day, then when you meet a girl, you won’t see her as a person. Instead, your mind will focus on things you’ve seen in prn videos, thinking about her body instead of who she really is.

This shows just how much our thoughts shape our behavior.

What I believe is:

You don’t have to watch every new movie, TV show, YouTube video, scroll through X (formerly Twitter), or check out Instagram reels. There’s no need for that.

You have to self-monitor what you see, hear, and take in because everything you consume will stay with you for life.

So, filter out the noise. Consume what matters and adds value to your life, instead of things that could end up destroying it.

Dreams Can Come True

There was a guy named Mohit who wanted to clear the UPSC exam. He tried five times but couldn’t do it.

He was about to quit, but then he thought, “I’ve already tried five times, why not just give it one last shot?”

So, he took the exam again, and once again, he failed—this time by a small margin.

But something changed the sixth time. He promised himself, “No matter what happens, no matter how many times I have to try, I will keep going until I pass.”

And yes, the happy ending was that he finally cleared the UPSC exam because he didn’t give up.

Now, think about it—what if Mohit had said, “I’m done with this. I’ll just do a job and stop wasting my time on this?”

Just like Mohit, you need to have patience, and you’ll live your dreams.

There are countless examples of people who didn’t give up, and you can’t give up on your dreams just because it’s getting harder. Life is tough, and it will stay tough for everyone.

Now, if you don’t believe in God, at least believe in yourself. The reality is, no one is coming to save you. You have to do the work, read the books, and keep trying.

Believe in God but don’t just sit there and hope that GOD will save me.

Only You Can Do it

Let’s say you want to buy a car worth 10 Lakhs, but you don’t have the money right now.

What you can do is, every day, tell yourself, “I can and I will buy my dream car one day.”

Now, no one is just going to give you a car, but this daily repetition signals your mind that you want a car, and your mind will work to help you find ways to get it.

Your mind will push you to look for opportunities to make money, and soon, you’ll be actively working toward earning it.

This isn’t something proven by science, but many successful people, including authors, use this technique, and it works if you take action. If you just sit back and say, “I want a car,” but if you just sit on the sofa all day long, then nothing will happen.

So the key idea here is: take action.

In other words, we call this a positive affirmation. I’m not a big fan of affirmation, I feel, if you want something, just work on it. But yes, as the author talks about affirmation in the book, so I thought why not add it.

Attitude Is Everything Review

If you’ve already read popular books like The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Ikigai, Atomic Habits, or others, then the Attitude Is Everything might is not the book you should read as it has everything that you have already read.

Also, since it’s a short book, the author doesn’t go into a lot of examples. It’s more of a personal account of his life experiences, mixed with a bit of research.

One more thing: this was one of my first reads when I started reading books outside of my studies. So, if you’re a new reader looking to kickstart your reading journey, this could be a good book to begin with.

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Attitude Is Everything Quotes

“You can’t always control circumstances. But you can control your thoughts.”

“Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations.”

“If You can dream it, you can do it.”

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

“Life doesn’t reward those who refuse to expose themselves to difficulties and challenges.”

“Whether you think you can—or think you can’t—you’re right!”

“Just remember the words of Napoleon Hill: “Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”

“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” That’s a powerful statement—and it’s the truth.”

“One person with a commitment is worth more than 100 people who have only an interest.”

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