The Art of Being ALONE by Renuka Gavrani

The Art of Being ALONE by Renuka Gavrani

The Art of Being ALONE is about overcoming loneliness. The author talks about how being alone doesn’t automatically mean loneliness. It’s a simple guide for anyone who feels left out from the world.

Yes, the title says The Art of Being ALONE, but it mainly focuses on loneliness.

So let’s not dive too deep into this and just take a quick look at the book in the simplest way possible.

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Life’s Last Edit by Rahul Makwana

Think of it as a self-help bible—not just a collection of lessons, but a guide to transforming your life.

Book in Five Sentences

  • Spending time alone, going on a solo vacation, or choosing not to get married doesn’t mean you’re isolated. Keep in mind, loneliness and being alone are not the same thing.
  • If you’re feeling lonely, the first step is to accept yourself for who you are. Try stepping out of your comfort zone—whether it’s learning a new skill or visiting a place you’ve never been before.
  • If you’re an introvert who doesn’t enjoy talking, and the people around you keep telling you to open up, causing stress, then forget about them. Do what feels right for you. Enjoy your own company and focus on what makes you comfortable.
  • Your happiness is in your hands. Don’t do something just because someone else says so.
  • Be your own friend first, be kind to yourself, and most importantly, chase your goals even when no one believes in you. The only thing that matters is that you believe in them.

Make Alone Time More Enjoyable

There will be times in life when you’ll be alone, whether for days or weeks, and if you’ve never been alone before, it can feel challenging.

To make your own company enjoyable, the author, Renuka Gavrani, shares a few things that can help you grow and truly enjoy your alone time.

  • Learning new skills: When you’re growing, there’s always something new you want to learn, but life often gets busy, and you forget to make time for it. Maybe now is the perfect opportunity to learn something you’ve always wanted to.
    • You could join a class, learn by yourself, use YouTube, or take an online course. The key is to embrace learning, even if you’re doing it on your own.
  • Reading books: Sure, times have changed, and we have YouTube and audiobooks, but nothing beats the experience of reading. So grab a book and start reading—even if it’s just one page. Every little bit counts.
  • Engaging in hobbies: If you’re not interested in learning a new skill, that’s fine too. Maybe go out and play your favorite sport, whether it’s cricket, basketball, or something else. Just take a break from your regular routine and do something you enjoy.

The key idea is to find joy in the small moments, whether it’s working on a project, learning something new, walking alone in the garden, or even eating by yourself.

Understand yourself

First things first, be yourself. You don’t have to change for anyone or try to fit into society’s mold. Stop worrying about what people will think if you act or behave a certain way.

When you change who you are to please others, it leads to stress and anxiety because you’re not being true to yourself. You’re pretending to be someone you’re not.

So from today, embrace who you are. Understand yourself, focus on what makes you happy, and do what lifts you up every single day. Enjoy each moment as it comes.


I know you don’t want to hear the same advice like “take care of yourself,” but you still need to. Even though you know this, your body still feels like shit, and you keep overthinking everything.

So, starting today, make sure you get some kind of physical activity in your day. Whether it’s exercise, yoga, running, or even just walking.

Along with that, try to stay away from social media as much as you can. Also, avoid using your phone first thing in the morning and for at least two hours before bedtime.

These are simple things, but yes, it can be tough. So take small steps and go at your own pace.

The Art of Being ALONE Review

Did I learn anything new from this book? The answer is no. The reason is, I’ve already read many books on this topic, so it wasn’t anything new for me. But yes, the book is simple to read. So, if you’re someone who is new to reading and looking for an easy-to-read book on loneliness, then this is the perfect read for you.

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The Art of Being ALONE Quotes

“Romanticize the actions that you take for yourself. Acknowledge your desires and turn them into something better than your imagination. It’s all about making an effort for yourself.”

“If there is anything that can be crueler than death, it’s nurturing false hope in your heart just to see them crushing every piece of you at the end.”

“Learn to define your definition of everything. Don’t make your life a wishlist of what you think everyone has.”

“To be able to create your dream life ONE DAY, you will have to act like your dream version every day.”

“Don’t let time slip from your hands. Educate yourself, train yourself and most of all have fun with yourself.”

“When I was starting my journey as a writer, I used to watch and read the interviews of famous authors. And one thing was common in all of them. They all said the best ideas come into their mind when they are not looking for them or not doing anything at all. It’s not just the authors but if you ask any creative or artistic person, you will get the same answer. And I always thought that it was impossible until it happened to me.”

“Why do you hate the idea of being with yourself so much that ‘the time you spend with yourself is now considered as loneliness’.”

“You have to first come home to yourself, feel comfortable with your own company and become interesting for yourself so that you are not waiting or putting yourself on hold for others to adopt you.”

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