No Excuses Summary! Book by Brian Tracy

No Excuses Book by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy author of No Excuses says, motivation will last for five or even ten days but if you work on habit and be disciplined then it will last forever.

He shows the technique to overpower yourself and be the person you always wanted to be. The No Excuses is a beautiful book and will teach you the power of self-discipline.

No Excuses Quotes

“Discipline is what you must have to resist the lure of excuses”

“You can make excuses or you can make progress. You choose.”

“Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

Life’s Last Edit by Rahul Makwana

Think of it as a self-help bible—not just a collection of lessons, but a guide to transforming your life.

No Excuses Summary

Eat That Frog is still one of my favorites of Brian Tracy where he shared 21 ways to stop procrastination. The No Excuses is no different but it’s a bit bigger and goes a bit deeper into procrastination.

The book talks about three topics,

  1. Self-Discipline and Personal Success
  2. Self-Discipline in Business, Sales, and Finances
  3. Self-Discipline and the Good Life.

The author also gives you real-life examples along with solutions to each problem and why people don’t want to work on themself.

From No Excuses by Brian Tracy.

  1. Invest the first hour of the day on yourself. Ex; go for a walk, do exercise, or meditate.
  2. Read at least 30 Minutes, any of your favorite books.
  3. Don’t do anything else when you’re working, just focus on your work.
  4. Spend more time with those people who are in your work field to gain knowledge.
  5. If you plan to finish your project in six months then try to finish it in 3 months or less time.

That being said, let’s talk more about the Excuses.

I’m keeping my promise, this is the mini-ebook of No Excuses by Brian Tracy. So download right now and read wherever you want for free. Happy Reading.

Self-Discipline and Personal Success

Aristotle wrote that the ultimate aim of human life is to be happy. He said that the great question that each of us must answer is, “How shall we live in order to be happy?”

Your ability to ask and answer that question correctly for yourself and then to follow where your answer leads you will largely determine whether you achieve your own happiness, and how soon.

Define your goals currently.

For example, if you tell yourself, I will finish the No Excuses book very soon. Now, this is not the proper answer, tell yourself, I will finish the book in five days.

This way, your brain has a deadline and it will act according.

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On the other way, if you say, I will finish the book very soon then you will never finish the book in time, and you will give unlimited Excuses.

The same formula applies to other things too, whether it is office work, your goals, or anything else. So set the deadline and your mind will remind you over and over till you finish the task.

Here is the task for you,

Pick your next read and tell yourself that you will finish this book in the next 3 days, don’t just tell yourself, write down the exact words.

Now what you have to do is, wait and see how your brain works and how many times, it reminds you to read the book.

Self-Discipline in Business, Sales, and Finances

A group of senior executives was asked, “What are the most important qualities that a person would need to be promoted in your company?” Of these executives, 85 percent agreed that the most important qualities are

  1. The ability to set priorities and work on high-value tasks; and
  2. The discipline to get the job done quickly and well

It seems that these two qualities are more helpful for career success than anything else a person can do.

Diligent, disciplined, focused work will enable you to consistently and predictably get more done, get paid more, and get promoted faster throughout your career than the average person.

The Time is Running

Time management is life management, personal management, and management of yourself rather than time or circumstances.

The fact is that you cannot save time; you can only spend it differently. You can only reallocate your time usage from areas of low value to areas of high value. Herein lies the key to success, and the requirement for self-discipline.

Time management is the ability to choose the sequence of events. By exerting your self-discipline with regard to time, you can choose what to do first, second, and not at all. You are always free to choose.

The Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule, says that 20 percent of the things you do account for 80 percent of the value of what you accomplish.

This means that 80 percent of what you do is worth 20 percent or less of the value of what you accomplish.

Another task for you,

  • Take the forgiveness test: Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?
  • Identify the people from your past who you feel have hurt you in any way, and then make a decision today to forgive them and let go of those negative feelings.
  • Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and then resolve to let go of any thoughts or emotions that disturb you in any way.
  • From now on, refuse to take things personally. Ask yourself how much it will matter five years from today.
  • Practice the Buddhist method of detachment from money and material things, and refuse to become upset or worried about anything.

Self-Discipline and the Good Life

There is an old saying that “success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.” When your income and your life are consistent with your goals and expectations and you are content with your situation, you feel happy.

If, on the other hand, for any reason, your current situation is different from what you really want and expect, you will be discontented and unhappy.

This state of contentment can be constantly changing.

When you start off in your career, an income of Rs 50,000 per year can seem like a huge achievement.

But once you reach this goal, you start to be unhappy because you are not earning Rs 100,000 or more. Some people are unhappy earning a million dollars a year.

Be happy, it doesn’t cost money…

The Key to a Happy Marriage

Perhaps the most important reason for a happy marriage is compatibility.

The two people are ideally balanced with each other, with each one possessing complementary qualities and characteristics that combine comfortably to form a perfect balance.

People often say that “opposites attract.” This is a misunderstanding. Opposites attract in only one area, and that is temperament. You will always be most compatible with a person who has an opposite or counterbalancing temperament to your own.

For example,

  • If you are outgoing and extroverted, you will be most compatible with a person who is more reserved and self-contained.
  • If you are voluble and expressive, you will be most compatible with a person who is relaxed and a good listener.

Nature demands a balance in temperament for two people to be compatible and happy together.

Listen Attentively.

The first discipline is to listen attentively, without interrupting. Listen as though the other person is about to reveal a great secret or the winning lottery number and you will hear it only once.

When she wants to talk to you, if you are a man, put aside all possible distractions. Turn off the television or radio. Put down the newspaper or mail. Face her directly, lean slightly forward, and concentrate singlemindedly on what she is saying.

The Four Questions You Should Ask

On a regular basis, you should sit down with your spouse and later with your children to have the courage to ask them these four questions:

  1. Is there anything that I am doing that you would like me to do more of?
  2. Is there anything that I am doing that you would like me to do less of?
  3. Is there anything that you would like me to start doing that I am not doing today?
  4. Is there anything that I am doing that you would like me to stop doing altogether?

Ingredients of Happiness

Health and energy: This is perhaps the most important element of a good life. We strive for it all our lives. It is only when you enjoy high levels of pain-free health and a continuous flow of energy that you feel truly happy.

For example, you do not think about your teeth until you have a toothache. You do not think about your body until you have aches or pains of some kind. Take good care of your health…

Happy relationships: You can’t stay alone forever, you need someone. Spend as much time as you can with your loved ones, you won’t stay forever with them. As Aristotle said, “Man is a social animal.”

We are designed to function in society, working and living with other people at every stage of our lives. While one of our biggest mistakes is we often don’t think about them until there is a problem, and then we think of nothing else.

Meaningful work: To be truly happy, you must be fully engaged with life. You must be doing things that keep you active and give you a sense of fulfillment.

If you are making a living, you must be doing work that you enjoy, do well, and for which you are well paid.

One of your most important responsibilities to yourself is to find the right job for you, and then, once you have it, throw your whole heart into it.

Financial independence: Some of the greatest fears we experience are those of loss, failure, and poverty.

We fear being destitute, without funds, and dependent on others. Whenever you feel that there is a big gap between where you are today financially and where you would ideally like to be, you experience stress, worry, and unhappiness.

Deficiency Needs: Your first deficiency need is for safety and survival. Satisfying this need requires that you have sufficient food, water, clothing, and accommodation to preserve your life and well-being.

If for any reason your safety or survival is threatened, you will become totally preoccupied with satisfying this need.

You will experience tremendous stress, and you will be completely unhappy until you are safe once more. For example, think about being in a life-threatening situation.

Seven Key Health Habits

The Alameda Study, covering many thousands of people for more than twenty years, concluded seven key health habits contributed the most to long life:

  1. Eat regularly rather than fasting, starving, or gorging. Eat normal, healthy meals, preferably five or six times per day, with your last meal fully three hours before you go to sleep.
  2. Eat lightly: Overeating makes you tired and sluggish, whereas eating lightly makes you feel healthy and alert. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “No one ever regretted eating too little after a meal.”
  3. Don’t snack between meals: When you eat, your body has to break down and digest the foods in your stomach so that they can move into your small intestine. This requires four to five hours. If you put food on top of the food that you have already eaten, the digestive process must start over again, with part of your food at one stage of digestion and another part of your food at another stage. This leads to upset stomach, heartburn, drowsiness (especially in the afternoon), and constipation.
  4. Exercise regularly: The ideal is about thirty minutes a day or two hundred minutes per week. You can achieve this by walking, running, swimming, and/or using exercise equipment. You should fully articulate every joint every day.
  5. Wear a seatbelt: Right up to age thirty-five, the most common cause of premature death is traffic accidents.
  6. Don’t smoke: Smoking is correlated with thirty-two different illnesses including lung cancer, esophageal cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, heart disease, and a variety of other ailments.
  7. Drink alcohol in moderation: Studies show that one to two glasses of wine per day aid digestion and seem to be beneficial to your overall health. Anything in excess of that can lead to all kinds of problems, including overeating, traffic accidents, personality problems, and antisocial behavior. Just an example, if you can, avoid drinking.

No Excuses Review

Brian Tracy has shared more than what I have shared, he is a terrific writer and you will fall in love with him once start reading the book. He is not perfect either but even after that, you won’t regret reading the No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline.

It’s a life-changing book and I’m sure, it will change your life from where you’re today.

Buy No Excuses:

Lifes Last Edit Cover 2025
Productive Mindset Blue Cover 2025

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